All Brands & Makers
- Aaron Bieber
- Aaron Frederick
- Acta Non Verba Knives
- AG Russell
- AGA Campolin
- Al Mar
- Alan Folts
- Aless Custom
- Alexander Cheburkov
- Allen Whiskers
- American Tomahawk
- Amsler Knives
- Angryman Knives
- APurvis Blades
- Arcane Design
- Arizona Mikey
- Armando Beltrame
- Artisan
- Attack Rescue and Survive
- Audra Draper
- Auxiliary Manufacturing
- Avian Knives
- BaliBalistic
- Bark River Knives
- Barry Davis
- Barry Wood
- Bastinelli Knives
- Bastion Gear
- Bat Cave Cutlery
- Bear OPS Bear & Son
- Begg Knives
- Ben Seward
- Benchmade
- Bestech Knives
- Biegler Bladeworks
- Bill King
- Bill Levengood
- Bill Saindon
- Bill Simons
- Billy Trident
- Blackfox Knives
- Blackside Customs
- Bob Terzuola
- Boker USA
- Bony Buddy
- Borka Blades
- Brad Duncan
- Brad Zinker
- Bradley Cutlery Co
- Brian Fellhoelter
- Brian Tighe
- BRNO Born
- Brous Blades
- Bruce D Bump
- Buck Knives
- BURN Custom Knives*
- Bushcraft/Survival
- Cameron Knives
- Case
- Cavol Knives
- Ceroni Knives
- Charles Marlowe
- Charlie Dake
- Chaves Knives
- Chris Reeve Knives
- Chroma Scales
- Chuck Gedraitis
- Civivi
- Classic Italian Automaica
- Clyde Challenor
- CMF Metal Works
- Cold Steel
- Collini
- Colt
- Combative Edge
- Condor
- Copper Shed
- Copperhead Metalworks
- Core Edge USA
- Craig Camerer
- Crawford Handmade Knives
- Cutter Knives
- J&L Machining Works
- Jack Wolf Knives
- Jake Hoback
- James Brothers Knives
- Jan Hafinec
- Jans Anso
- Jason Guthrie
- Jason Lyons
- Jason Williams
- JB Hodge
- Jeff Harkins
- Jeff Park
- Jeff Vandermeulen
- Jens Anso
- Jeremy Horton
- Jeremy Krammes
- Jeremy Marsh
- Jerry Rados
- JIKnives
- Jim Burke
- Jim Minnick
- JK Designs
- Jody Muller
- Joe Caswell
- Joe Kious
- John Gustafsson
- John Eisner
- John Gray
- John Kubasek
- John W. Smith
- Jones Knives
- Judy Gottage
- Justin Lundquist
- Mag 10 Knifeworx
- Maglite
- Manker
- Mantis Knives
- Marfione
- Matt Cook
- Matt Diskin
- Mauricio Dobruski
- Maxace
- Maxpedition
- Mayo/Shirogirov
- MCM Maniago
- Mcnees Custom Knives
- Mcusta Custom
- MecArmy Gear
- Medford Knife & Tool
- Mel Pardue
- Melvin Lozada
- Merlin
- Messori Knives
- Metal Ock Customs
- Michael Vagnino
- Michael Zieba
- Mick Strider Custom Knives
- Microtech
- Mike Snody
- Mikkel Willumsen
- Mikov CZ Auto Knives
- Monterey Bay knives
- Moye Works
- Munroe Metaworks
- MZKnives
- R.J. McDonald
- R.S. Knifeworks
- Ralph Dewey Harris
- Ramos Customs
- Randall King
- Randy Doucette
- Rardon, A.D.
- Rat Worx
- Real Steel
- Reate
- Reese Weiland
- REMETTE Innovative Design
- Remington
- Renzo Pascotto
- Revo Knives
- Rexford Knives
- Richard Rogers
- Richard S. Wright
- RichMade Knives"
- Rick Barrett
- Rike Knife
- RJ Martin
- Rob Dalton
- Rob Klaas
- Rob Oldaker
- Robert "Butch" White
- Rockstead
- Rod Olson
- Ron Best
- Ronson
- Roton USA
- Rus Beads
- Russian
- Russian Army
- Ryworx
- Sam Eddleman
- Santa Fe Stoneworks
- Saut Ouver
- Schmuckatelli
- Scott Topper
- Seki Cut
- Sentry Solutions
- Serge Panchenko
- Sergey Roverts
- Seto Cutlery
- Shadow Tech
- Sharknivco
- Sharp By Design
- Shirogorov Knives
- Shun Higo Nokami
- Sin City Hanks
- Skelton Bladeworks
- Skiff Made Blades/Skiff Workshop
- Skike Custom Knives
- Skully Forge
- SloJoe
- Smith And Wesson
- Southern Grind
- Spartan Blades
- Spyderco
- Stan Moizis
- Starlingear
- Steel Flame
- Steigerwald
- Sterling Custom Knives
- Stoder
- Streamlight
- Streltsov, Dmitry
- Suprlativ Knives
Knife Brands |
When it comes to knives, has made a name for ourselves as a provider of some of the best knives on the market. We offer a range of high-quality knives from a variety of top brands, including Jack Wolf Knives, Buck Knives, and Oeser Knives. Shop all online today!
Jack Wolf Knives
Jack Wolf Knives is a family-run business that designs handcrafted knives designed to last a lifetime. Their knives are produced using only the highest quality materials to ensure exceptional durability and beauty. Each of their knives is CNC engineered, the blades are hand ground, and the parts are hand fitted. When you purchase a Jack Wolf Knife, you’re getting a custom made knife that’s built to last.
Buck Knives
Buck Knives has been producing quality knives since 1902, and their experience shows in their superior custom knives. The first knives was made by hand, using worn-out file blades as raw material - and as the family business was passed down through generations, they continued to innovate.They’re known for creating knives that are durable, trustworthy, and designed to handle any job. Buck Knives are renowned for their folding locking system, which was a breakthrough in the industry. Shop their custom folding knives today.
Oeser Knives
Oeser Knives specializes in creating knives that are both functional and visually stunning. Jared Oeser uses a variety of materials to create custom made knives with a unique look and feel. His knives are designed to be lightweight yet durable, and functional, making them the perfect choice for anyone who wants a knife that can handle any task. Oeser Knives have been featured in many films, and Jason Mamoa is a huge collector of his work. We also carry Jared Oeser’s production folders.
If you’re looking for the best knife brands, PVK is the best online knife store for you. Besides the brands above, we carry dozens more. You can expect to find only the highest quality products at our site. Order the best custom knives today!